Meet Mary and Brian Heffernan, the masterminds behind the wildly popular Five Marys Farms empire! While known for its best-in-class meats, Five Marys Farms has expanded into so much more, including a cookbook, an ebook about parenting their four daughters and an academy for budding entrepreneurs. In this episode, The Heffernans and Kelly chat about:
- What inspired Mary and Brian to trade city life for farm life and the biggest impact it has had on their family
- Common misconceptions about living on a farm and working in agriculture
- Their favorite recipes from the new Five Marys Farms Ranch Raised cookbook
- The three main traits Brian and Mary strive to instill in their four daughters
- What inspired the launch of the M5 Entrepreneurs Academy and how their business has shifted in the current world environment
Show Guest
Mary and Brian Heffernan
Mary and Brian Heffernan both have deep agriculture roots and a passion for small town, small business and family-centered food. In 2013, with eyes on a new adventure and California soil in their souls, they took their four spunky girls (all named Mary!) to Siskiyou County, where they raise Black Angus cattle, Navajo-Churro sheep and Berkshire hogs. Brian and Mary’s ranching methods and beliefs help to preserve and protect the land and respect the animals from birth through processing. Mary has started more than twenty small businesses in different industries and shares her years of knowledge, experience and insight with other small business owners in her entrepreneur course, Small Business from Scratch.
Resources From This Episode
Five Marys Farms Meats
Ranch Raised Cookbook
M5 Academy
Ranch School
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